Add gadget
Spice Up Your Blog with Google Gadgets!
Fresh out of Blogger's own testing ground, Google Gadgets have now been enabled for all layouts blogs. This new interface allows for the integration of iGoogle Gadgets directly into your sidebar, with an array of customization options for easy tweaking. Also built into Gadgets is our robust Gadget Directory, which lets you browse through thousands of cool gadgets and add them to your blog with a simple click of a button. You can access Gadgets from your dashboard under the Layout | Gadgets tab (the tab formerly known as "Layout | Page Elements.")
so, the ONE thing I liked about blogger, they screwed up...I don't want to add a gadget. I only want to add some frickin text, like other lists I have on my blog. Now the heck am I supposed to do that w/ the gadget crap? Do not tell me there is a gadget for lists. I DON'T WANT THAT MESS!!! I want to be able to put in plain text, no more, no less. I'm not a geek, techie, programmer, developer , etc., just a chick w/ what used to be a fun thing called a blog. Not blogger has tried to be innovative & f*cked it all up. Not upset w/ you Hapi, yet again, I couldn't find where on the blogger numerous help sites/groups to ask for assistance, get answers or leave a comment. This is another sign of tech folks doing stuff w/o testing w/ the users first. ALWAYS TEST W/ NON-TECH FOLKS BEFORE LAUNCHING!!!
Thanks for letting me rant. If you know anyone at blogger or can point me in the right direction, would appreciate it. I'm about to leave blogger. They are pissing me off.
I NEED HELP. The "add gadget" does not work. When I click ADD GADGET (used to be page element, which actually WORKED) it takes me back to the dashboard. I then click on LAYOUT, then ADD GADGET once again, and it takes me back to Dashboard. It is a viscious cycle & an add gadget pop-up window never shows.Can an employee PLEASE look into this??? I just want to post some pictures of my kids & the "add gadgets" tab does not allow me to add anything.
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