Friday, February 8, 2008

Three hearts for you!

Three hearts for a wonderful friend like you!
In our busy Lives doing blogging,commenting,tagging, We seldom get the time to relax and stop
buy valentines cards to our dear friends online,dear friends co-bloggers.

Of course we don't aren't we? We are Elusive and use Pen Name to hide our true identity as possible.But doesn't stop from our camaraderie and strong bond of affection towards each other.So dear co-bloggers accept my three hearts as a sign of our FriEndship Online for this

Valentines Season coming! Spread the "Love Virus" and show our Love to one another.No matter the time or distance that separates us,the BOND we share is CoNstaNt and SuRE.

[Golden Rule:]
[1.Add a name that dear to your heart as a symbol of your link?]
1.Allen-2-beng2x-3.-pa2x-4-san2-5-) joshua 6.)[YouR Link Here]'d'world/
filipinolifeabroad//Gen-To offer/Syvil-mark/,Dabawenya Babe/


Joy0z said...

this is cool. thank you very much. You are sooo sweet!

Gorgeous MUM said...

hi! i tried to copy it, but i my pc is playing up!

but thanks for this! have a good saturday!

and advance happy heart's day!

Anonymous said...

Aaaawww, that's very thoughtful of you. I'll display them in my blog soon. Salamat :)

Pretty Life Online said...

thank you so much girl... I'll do it soon, when I get back to post just a bit busy now...

Anonymous said...

hi! thanks for the tag.I'll post it one of these days. Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Salamat ha. Valentines na next week.

cheapdealsonline said...

Thanks a lot!I'm going to add it soon in my blog ok a bit busy this time but il buzz u when I already post it in my blog ok.Have a blessed day!!!

DebbieDana said...

Thanks alot sis sa tag,wow! You're very much appreciated...

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the three hearts. SO sweet :D I will be displaying them later. Thanks again.
